I had a few connected realizations a while back. 1. The most successful people make their own projects. 2. I must pursue Film and TV like I pursued theater. 3. The tide raises all ships.

All the top film actors I know have their own production companies and make projects that are tailor made for them. No wonder they’re good at what they do! Think what you want about Adam Sandler but no one’s a better Adam Sandler than Adam Sandler. And all his buddies are doing stuff too!

When I started working as an actor in theater in Western Canada 15 years ago. I submitted to Artistic Directors, Producers, and Directors at theaters all over Western Canada and it worked! I got generals, call backs, did several plays in many theaters but I didn’t carry that focused personal outreach into Film and TV. Instead, I did what I thought I was supposed to do. I got an agent and started auditioning, a lot, and it… kinda worked but it never had the impact or created the opportunities I wish it had. I was always going through the mediator of the Casting Director rather than working directly with the Writers, Producers, and Directors making the projects. That needed to change.

Around the same time I noticed I was surrounded by talented and creative people who all wanted to be part of the “machine”, the “industry”, yet we could just get together and make something cool with talented people right now. If I make something and my buddy directs, it showcases him/me, we get experience, and when a future opportunity comes he knows a great actor that can help him and vice versa. And so I bouy him and he bouys me and so on and so forth through the entire friend group in every direction.

Now that I’m in LA I’ve learnt that I must do all of the above. I must create projects that not only showcase me but amplifies my friends. I must also make my friends projects. I can do something cool with what I have and the people I know. There’s no excuse. The technology is inexpensive and accessible. Build each other up. Make something happen with your friends, the people you believe in, who’s work you admire and you want to champion. Keep pouring into them as they pour into you. Their success is your success. The tide raises all ships. Also, personally pursue creators, producers, and directors. Not for selfish gain but because you love their work, their craft, their voice, their vision, their worldview and you wanna do cool things with them! Just do it.

PS: Several friends and I just made a hilarious short film called “Loves Me, Loves Me Not” that is currently in post production.